How to play Thrill Kill on Mac

Game summary

Hell Hath No Fury Like... THRILL KILL Eight fighters, eight souls. Each has died and descended into Hell, except it's not the classical Dante's Hell. It's a modern day Hell based on the real world of today's deviants. The characters are the physical manifestations of their mental illnesses or vices on earth. Marukka, the God of Secrets, is bored and decided that it would be fun to pit them all against each other with the prize being rebirth. Each character is battling for nothing more than self-preservation and the hope to be born again. -Fast and furious 4-player deathmatches! -Battle to the death in chambers of horror like he Insane Asylum, the Slaughterhouse and the Morgue! -Face 11 malformed freaks including a Psycho Redneck Cannibal, a Maladjusted midget on stilts, and a Queen Demon straight from the depths of hell! -Gang-up and cooperative moves never before seen in a 3D fighter: Hold your opponent while others beat the pulp out of him! -Advanced AI that will force you to constantly come up with new solo and team moves! -One of a kind Kill Meter that promotes offensive game play!
First released: Feb 1998

Play Thrill Kill on Mac with Parallels (virtualized)

The easiest way to play Thrill Kill on a Mac is through Parallels, which allows you to virtualize a Windows machine on Macs. The setup is very easy and it works for Apple Silicon Macs as well as for older Intel-based Macs.

Parallels supports the latest version of DirectX and OpenGL, allowing you to play the latest PC games on any Mac. The latest version of DirectX is up to 20% faster.

Our favorite feature of Parallels Desktop is that when you turn off your virtual machine, all the unused disk space gets returned to your main OS, thus minimizing resource waste (which used to be a problem with virtualization).

Thrill Kill installation steps for Mac

Step 1
Go to and download the latest version of the software.
Step 2
Follow the installation process and make sure you allow Parallels in your Mac’s security preferences (it will prompt you to do so).
Step 3
When prompted, download and install Windows 10. The download is around 5.7GB. Make sure you give it all the permissions that it asks for.
Step 4
Once Windows is done installing, you are ready to go. All that’s left to do is install Thrill Kill like you would on any PC.
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